Monday, June 18, 2007

Picking back up yet again

Whew...ok..well here it is June 18, 2007. A long time since my last post! A lot has happened since my last post. I was losing weight really well in 2005 and then autumn came and with it several family tragedies. I turned to my old buddy food for comfort and to help me cope with it (big big mistake!) But I'm back on track again now and have all that regain back off again and today I sit here at the very same weight as what I weighed when everything went to pot.
My little boy had a nasty fall in September that resulted in a very very scary ambulance trip to the hospital with a concussion and he'd gone into shock and we thought we lost him for a while there...I don't really like to think about it much even now..anyway..he's just fine now, thank God.
Then a few weeks later, in October, my husband had a heart attack and had to have a heart cath that lead to finding out that he had a 90% blockage and so they wound up putting three stents in. Then his kidney (which was already bad and the other one was destroyed during a fall from a ladder before we met) started to fail. He went into renal failure and is now on dialysis waiting for a donor so he can have a kidney transplant.
If all of that wasn't bad enough, I awoke about three weeks after he got out of the hospital to intense pain in my back and had to go to the ER. Turns out I had a monster kidney stone and since that day I've had 3 surgeries to blast it away and was admitted for a while with a bad UTI from that. My last surgery was in February and I finally passed 3 big chunks of the stone in July.
But in the midst of all the stress, as I said, I really fell off the wagon by turning to food for comfort.
But this year, I got my head together and am losing weight again. I've relost all the regain and today I sit here at the same weight I'd gotten down to in 2005 and I'm still fired up and working hard on getting more off.
I decided to start this blog back up again and try to keep it updated as I tackle my latest journey on the road to better health.
I have got to get healthier to be around for my little boy (who just turned 4 in March) in case (God forbid) anything happens to my husband... and to be here to help my husband as well! My family needs me and I intend to be there for them and not put my health off like my father did his.
Say a prayer for me, won't you? :)

I'll update more later.
God bless,


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