Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Water Retention and More Weight Lost than I thought !

I finally got to go to the doctor today to find out about this water retention in my left leg and go have some lab work done to check my nutrient levels.
First of all I got GREAT news ;) Well great now, but it wouldn't have been so great in January had I known :) My doctor looked at my chart after the nurse marked my weight for today in it and said "you've lost 63 pounds since January, Helen ! That's remarkable !" I sat there dumbfounded at first. Then I said "what???? 63 ??? Are you sure??" He laughed and said "yes, your weight when you were here in January was 63 pounds higher than today!!" I thought it was just 50 !!
My old antique scales I was using when I first started in January showed me at 13 pounds less starting out so it was 13 pounds off ! (I got a great set of digital scales since then). I am SOOO glad I didn't know I'd gotten all the way back up to that then, but it sure sounds good now to say I've lost 62 pounds instead of 50 !
The girl who took my blood for the lab work kept going on and on about how good I look and how great I've done with losing weight. The office was a-buzz about it :) Boy did that feel great ;)
And about the water retention issue:
I showed him my leg and told him about Weight Watchers and my online support lists and all the working out I've been doing lately. He looked at my leg and said "oh yeah, you could have at least 10 pounds of water there! " He said some people just retain a lot more water than others and especially during all the heat and humidity we've had lately. He said also with all the working out I've been doing lately that I've been on my feet a lot more which also would cause the retention in my leg. He gave me a prescription for the same water pill I've been taking only at a much higher dose (and not expired like what I'd been taking ;) ). I thought what I'd been taking was the highest dosage, but it was only a medium dose. I told him it had expired in March and he told me it was probably giving me very minimal affect. Also, he said if I didn't notice a big change after starting the new medication to call him and he'd call me in a prescription for Lasix and it would definitely have me running.
I have to go back in 6 weeks to have some more lab work done to see how my potassium level is after starting this new medication.
He did lab work today and I'd fasted for it just in case so he was able to check more than just one thing in the lab work. I'll find out about that in a few days hopefully. My appointment was at 3:00 and I hadn't eaten all day, so when I left I went to my mom's (she'd been watching my son for me while I was at the doctor's) and we had dinner.
He checked my blood pressure and it was terrific he said. It was 112/71

so hopefully the water issue will come under control and it was GREAT to hear I'd lost 13 pounds more than I thought I had ;) that kind of cushions this slow loss I've had lately. Oh , and I told him about the 6 pounds I lost after stopping the Splenda and he said he'd never heard of that before. I'm kind of wondering about that whole thing now. I'm gonna wait 3-4 days after starting the new water pill and try a little Splenda again gradually and see how it goes.


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