Sunday, June 05, 2005

First Post

Ok, so I lost 157 pounds with my weight loss surgery in 2001. It was one of the best (and most difficult) decisions I've ever made. Then I got pregnant with my son (THE best thing to ever happen to me).
After I had my son I regained 55 of those 157 pounds over the course of a year and a half. I started cracking down and eating healthy and working out in January of this year (2005) and I now have all but 9 of those pounds back off.
This is my place to chronicle my recent journey to losing the rest of that regain and then a LOT more after that.
My tools? Weight Watchers, Curves, and lots of working out and more.
I did not regain any weight during the pregnancy. In fact, the day I had my first post-natal appointment after having my son I weighed in at the exact same weight as the day I found out I was pregnant. During the first two trimesters I actually lost weight!! Then in the third trimester I regained what I'd lost and 15 pounds as well which I lost with the birth of my son. If only I'd stayed at that maintenance weight ! :)
So how did I regain if not due to the pregnancy??
I had a lot of pregnancy complications and to make a long story short, I had a total of 13 ultrasounds during my pregnancy. The ultrasounds kept showing my son to be very tiny and it's believed that that was due to my bypassing a lot of the nutrients I was eating. So I had to make myself eat a lot more high calorie foods to get as many calories to go to my son to help him to grow well. And it worked. For my son anyway ;)
Once he was born a healthy, but tiny little boy at 5 pounds 13 ounces I'd been in the habit of eating junk food again for all that time. But once I had him I didn't need all those calories anymore but it had become a nasty habit that I didn't break until this past January.

I'm not quite sure what "clicked" and got me to get back to the efforts to eat healthy again but I'm glad it did. It was a combination of pictures taken during the fall and Christmas holidays and wanting to eat well to be a good example to my son as he grows up to help to break the chain of obesity in our family with me.
So far I've lost 46 pounds and have become really focused on counting points through the Weight Watchers program and working out at Curves as well as walking on the new treadmill my husband bought me and walking outside as well. I have a new bike that my husband had bought me for my birthday when I was pregnant with my son and didn't know it yet so I haven't ridden it since then. I had him pump the tires up today though and hope to try it out tomorrow evening. I also got my rollerblades back out :)
Watch out world. here I come lol.


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