Sunday, July 17, 2005

I DID it !! First big goal reached ! Also Naproxen Sodium issue


I DID it I DID it, I DIIIIIIDDDD it !! :) Today I am the EXACT weight as the day I found out I was pregnant with my son in July 2002 and also the weight I was right after I had him on my first doctor's visit after having him.
All the shame from my gastric bypass surgery loss regain is finally GONE !! Thank you GOD ;)
I've been waiting for this day since January !! Please rejoice with me !! LOL
Can you hear me squealing wherever you are?? lol If not , it's a wonder ;)

Another reason this is so extreme to me today is that last Monday I was showing a 10 pound GAIN !!!! All water weight from having taken Naproxen Sodium (Aleve) for a pinched nerve in my arm. My husband started suffering with water weight in his foot that caused him a lot of pain and he did some research online and looked up the medications he'd been taking and found out one of the side affects for Naproxen Sodium is severe water weight gain. So we both stopped taking it and today that 10 pounds is gone plus one more putting me at my first HUGE goal. (His pain is down to almost nothing now too and his foot swelling is gone.)
I'm gonna get this water weight gain issue under control hopefully :) My doctor had put me on a high dose of Triameterene/HCL and I hadn't thought it was working well enough so he called me in a prescription for Lasix. Well I always thought that Lasix was the mother of all water pills, but aparently not for me it wasn't. So I started back on the Triamterene/HCL again and now it's working great. That 10 pound water gain is gone and I'm gonna just keep taking it regularly now. I don't know why the Lasix didnt' work very well, but my husband thinks it's a low dose, so maybe that's why. was SO awesome to look down at the scale and see that exact same amount as the day I found out I was pregnant in 2002. I've been longing to get back down to that for a long time now.
So now onward to my next big goal. 18 more pounds for this one. When I was pregnant with Evan I lost weight in my first 2 trimesters and was 18 pounds lower than the weight I was when I got pregnant. So now I want to reach for that. That would be the absolute lowest weight I was since my weight loss surgery. Then once I reach that any more weight loss is brand new fresh loss and the lowest since...lets see....probably around 1986 I'd say.
I just had to rejoice :) Thanks for listening ;)
I bought three new workout DVDs the other day. I'd worked out to Walk Away The Pounds 2 mile workout the day before that and it just wasn't enough of a workout for me. I bought Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds Walk and Jog, Leslie Sansone's "You Can Do Abs with the stability ball" and Carmen Electra's Fit to Strip workouts (it's not really stripping but a great workout I keep hearing LOL).
I needed a change in my workout routine's so I thought I deserved some new workout videos.
I'm still walking for at least 90 minutes on my treadmill three times a week, going to Curves three times a week as well as the Tae Bo twice a week. I sometimes do other exercise videos in the evenings on days I go to Curves, so I'll try my new workouts this week.
I was SO frustrated last week with the water gain I was tempted to just throw in the towel. But I stayed on program and worked through the frustration and boy am I glad I did :) Now I'm psyched again and pumped up to keep going.
Wish me luck and say a few prayers for me if you're so inclined ;)


At 7:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know how difficult it is. When I had my last child 19 years ago, I gained just 6 pounds during the pregnancy, and lost 30 pounds during delivery. I was the slimist I had been in years, but I gained that all back plus. Now I am on LA Weight Loss. I am lossing but not as fast as I would like. Have been on Naproxen Sodium for years. Maybe I will try to go without it too. Thanks for the info I have 100 pounds to go before I get to what I weighed when Vicky was born 19 years ago. Come visit my blog and see.


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