Thursday, August 16, 2007


After spending the majority of July on a nasty plateau and then having a bout of water weight gain (8 pounds worth!) that lasted a week...(drum roll please...)
I FINALLY made a MAJOR milestone!! I finally got lower than the lowest after my gastric bypass surgery. I haven't weighed what I do today in 20 years!! It was 1987 the last time I weighed what I do today.
I'm down 63 pounds since January, and giving me a total of 158 pounds off since my highest weight in 2001.
Doing a huge happy dance today!
Singing: "I DIIIIIID it, I DIIIIIIID la la la la..I DIIIIIID it! Go's your birthday...go can do it LOL"
I got on the scale and it was one tenth of a pound away and I thought "oh no WAY!! LOL" I went to the bathroom and then I took my rings off and got back on the scale and there it was...staring back at lowest weight in 20 years ;)
I was so happy I forgot to hit the button on my scale to save the reading :) I was standing there on the scale staring at the number and squealing for joy when the phone rang and I went to get the phone and forgot to hit the button to save it, but I swear it was there!!! LOL. I was thinking "bad timing! At least let it be Shelley" (one of my best friends who is losing weight too and works out with me once in a while):) It was ;) I answered the phone shouting "oh my God oh my God oh my God!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!" LOL
The first thing she said was "Let me did it?" and she was laughing.
I've been doing some kind of cardio on and off throughout the day since then so I can definitely see it again (and maybe a little less) tomorrow for weigh in and be able to save the reading on my scale this time lol.
Did I mention I haven't been this weight in 20 years?!! LOL. Now I have to dig around and find a new picture to put on my refrigerator for motivation. I need to find a picture of me somewhere about 30 pounds smaller than I am now to put on my fridge to give me something to aim for now ;)
I'm in brand new territory since my surgery now. And for people who say "weight loss surgery is the easy way out" (which is so not true), I can tell them "I lost a lot of it 6 years AFTER the lowest the surgery got me to.
I can't TELL you what this is doing for my motivation right now LOL I kind of feel like I'm starting over again in new territory :)
I was really starting to think my body was just happy at this weight after having weighed 158 pounds more and it wasn't going to let me drop much farther. Yayyyy :)
Ok..I'll shut up now. Can you tell I'm way way excited? LOL
I'll try to keep up with my blog a little better now, I promise :) I'm going to have my husband take a new picture of me this weekend for my milestone picture. I'll post what one day next week.